Fountain Square Holiday Events: Changes, Additions, and COVID-19 Information
Visiting Fountain Square is a family-friendly tradition in the heart of Downtown each winter, and that won’t change in 2020. What will change is our approach to presenting events on the Square. We are placing a major focus on creating a safe environment that allows patrons to continue making memories in the heart of Downtown this holiday season:
The UC Health Ice Rink, presented by Fifth Third Bank, will open with new COVID-19 procedures in place, including a timed reservation system with a maximum of 80 patrons at one time and increased cleaning processes. Reservations open Nov. 2 on this page, and may be made up to two weeks in advance.
The rink is also launching bumper cars on ice, which naturally creates social distancing while still providing plenty of fun! Full bumper car information available here.
Masks are REQUIRED for rink entry and must be worn at all times unless you are seated with your party actively eating or drinking.
Macy’s Light Up the Square will be a televised and online-only experience on Friday, Nov. 27. Click here for more information. The tradition of lighting the tree the day after Thanksgiving will not happen this year, and we kindly ask patrons to not gather at the Square on November 27th without a reservation for the ice rink. The tree will instead be lit at an unannounced day and time.
Downtown Dazzle, a weekly event featuring a rappelling Santa and fireworks, will be put on hold in 2020 due to COVID19 precautions.
NEW FOR 2020: Winter Wonder Lights is an 8-minute light show that dances across Fountain Square’s rink and plaza once an hour from 5pm- rink close every Thursday through Saturday, from Nov. 28- Dec. 18 and daily from Dec 19 to Jan. 2. The best way to enjoy the Winter Wonder Lights is during your 1-hour rink reservation.