At the Square

Fountain Square is open for the enjoyment of all. To ensure public safety and to preserve the Square, we ask that you follow the rules below.

At the Square

Fountain Square is open for the enjoyment of all. To ensure public safety and to preserve the Square, we ask that you follow the rules below.

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Square Rules

The following are prohibited except as authorized by a permit or otherwise authorized by law:

  • Bicycle riding, rollerblading, or skateboarding
  • Stealing, damaging, or defacing property
  • Amplified sound or commercial activity
  • Weapons or firearms
  • Alcohol use
  • Animals

All City Codes are enforced including the following prohibited activities:

  • Entering or placing items in the Tyler Davidson Fountain
  • Interfering with a permitted event
  • Drug use or other illegal activity
  • Glass containers
  • Littering
  • Smoking
  • No outside alcohol is permitted on the Square. Bags and coolers are subject to search. Those bringing in outside alcohol may be ticketed for open container. 

Fountain Square is closed from 3:00 AM to 6:00 AM except for the purpose of entering and exiting the garage or adjacent buildings.

Your consideration of others is appreciated. For further information, please Contact Us.

Accessibility Info

In certain circumstances, primarily when events are actively taking place, the electrical outlets in certain locations in Fountain Square can be made available to park patrons for medically necessary devices. If you must charge your medically necessary equipment, 3CDC staff members will work to accommodate you to the best of our ability during your visit to Fountain Square.

To access a power source for your medically necessary equipment, visit the Fountain Square Concession Stand and ask as staff member for proper accommodations.

Note that if no events are taking place during your visit and/or the Fountain Square Concession Stand is closed, you should seek out a 3CDC operations staff member, and staff will try to accommodate your request.